The First AI Psychology Center
in Malaysia
Your Trusted Psychology Centre in Malaysia
Since 2019, PsyHome has been the top psychology centre and known for its exceptional psychology services and personalized mental health consultations. We are dedicated to helping both individuals and businesses navigate their mental health journeys with the utmost care and professionalism.
At PsyHome, we understand that each client’s path is unique. Whether you’re striving to improve workplace productivity or seeking personal growth, our expert team is here to support you every step of the way. Experience the difference at PsyHome, where your well-being is our priority.
//What we Do
Our Psychology Services
For Personal and Professional Growth
At PsyHome, we offer invaluable psychology services that enhance personal well-being and professional development. Examples include corporate resilience training, anxiety management training, and the Employee Assistance Programme in Malaysia. Our commitment extends across various domains, including mental health consultation and personalised training programmes.
Explore the enriching experience that awaits you with our corporate psychologist to learn more about the importance of good mental health in the workplace.
Corporate Wellness and Resilience Training
This program focuses on enhancing employee well-being and resilience within organizations. It includes tailored workshops and seminars to help teams manage stress, improve productivity, and build a positive work environment.
Personal Psychological Consultation
Offering one-on-one consultations for individuals seeking support for mental health issues, life challenges, or personal development. This service provides personalized strategies and therapeutic interventions to address specific needs.
Self Discovery with AI
Personal emotions and physical health are interrelated and they could affect the overall wellness of an individual. By using the VoiceCare AI technology, the software will measure your emotional intelligence and physical health through your voice and then generate a report.
Child and Adolescent Counseling
Specialized counseling for children and teenagers to address developmental, emotional, and behavioral issues. This program includes individual sessions and family counseling to support young clients and their families.
Psychological Assessment and Development
Comprehensive psychological assessments for various needs, including diagnostic evaluations and personal growth assessments. This program also includes learning and development courses related to mental health for the general public and professionals.
//Psyhome x VoiceCare
Improve your body-mind wellness
in 5 minutes
Everyday Transformation Courses (ETC)
Grow 1% Everyday
Let Improve Your Quality of Life
Psychological Testings
Assessment & Report
Workplace Wellness Program
Corporate Growth
Unlock the Productivity and Happiness
of Employees
PsyHome is a company dedicated to helping businesses improve the productivity and happiness of their employees. The company understands that a positive work environment is crucial for achieving organizational success, and offers a range of strategies to cultivate a culture that fosters creativity, engagement, and well-being. PsyHome’s programs include stress management, team building, and personal development, all designed to help employees unlock their full potential and thrive in the workplace. With a focus on individual needs and motivations, PsyHome offers customized solutions that can lead to increased job satisfaction, performance, and productivity. By partnering with PsyHome, businesses can create a workplace culture that supports both the professional and personal growth of their employees.
Why Choose Our Corporate
Psychology Centre in Malaysia?
Best practices of person-centred care adhering to global standards
Reliable international free mental health tests in Malaysia online
Mental health consultation with AI-based therapeutic approaches
High-quality delivery of personal and corporate holistic wellness programs
Our MIE top 100 Award Night
The Importance of Mental Health Consultation
at the Workplace
Effective mental health conditions are vital for modern workplaces, where employee well-being directly impacts organizational success. As a premier psychology centre, PsyHome offers a variety of psychology services tailored to meet the mental health needs of today’s fast-paced work environments.
According to the study conducted by Dr Chua Sook Ning and published in Lancet Psychiatry in 2020, mental health conditions in the workplace resulted in an estimated RM14.46 billion cost to the Malaysian economy in 2018. Our consultation and employee stress management programs address these challenges by providing customized support for managing stress, anxiety, and other common workplace issues.
Furthermore, our psychology services extend to developing leadership skills among managers, helping them motivate and support their teams effectively. Prioritizing mental health consultation enhances employee satisfaction and productivity, leading to a more resilient and successful organization.
Common Mental Health Symptoms
At PsyHome, if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, a mental health consultation may be crucial:
- Persistent sadness or depression
- Intense anxiety or excessive worry
- Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
- Sleep disturbances, including insomnia or nightmares
- Significant changes in appetite or weight
- Persistent fatigue or low energy
- Social withdrawal or isolation
- Extreme mood swings
- Irritability or frequent anger
- Thoughts of self-harm or suicide
- Increasing substance abuse
- Difficulty managing stress
Our expert team is here to offer support and develop a personalized care plan to improve your mental well-being.
// FAQ's
Frequently Asked Questions
If your company is experiencing issues such as high employee turnover, low morale, frequent conflicts, or decreased productivity, it may benefit from corporate psychology services . Additionally, if you are looking to enhance leadership capabilities, improve team dynamics, or support employee well- being, corporate psychology services could be valuable.
The process for implementing corporate psychology services in your organization may vary depending on the specific services and interventions being implemented. It typically involves an initial assessment or consultation to identify organizational needs, followed by the development and implementation of tailored programs or interventions.
Corporate psychology centers like ours adhere to strict confidentiality and privacy guidelines to protect the sensitive information of employees. This may include obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring secure data storage and transmission, and adhering to professional ethical standards.
A psychology centre typically offers a range of psychology services including mental health assessments, counseling, therapy, and stress management. These services are designed to support both individual and organizational well-being.
When looking for a psychology centre in Malaysia, consider factors such as the centre’s reputation, range of services, and client reviews. PsyHome is a well-regarded option that provides comprehensive mental health consultation and psychology services.
During a mental health consultation, you can expect a thorough assessment of your mental well-being. The consultation will involve discussing your concerns with a professional, receiving tailored advice, and exploring suitable treatment options.
Psychology services can significantly benefit employees by addressing mental health issues, enhancing stress management, and improving overall workplace morale. This support contributes to better productivity and a healthier work environment.
Yes, a psychology centre provides support for both personal and work-related issues. Psychology services at PsyHome include individual therapy, stress management, and professional development, addressing a wide range of concerns.
// Clients’ Feedback
What Client's Says?
Goh J.B.(Work-related stress)
Yang(Relationship issue)
Sathya, P.(Relationship issue)
Christian(Personal issue)
Nadhirah(Relationship issue)
Goh C. K.(Work-related stress)
Alex W.Y.(Future Confusion)
Kesavan K.(Weight management & Work Stress)
Wine(Personal Development)
Your NameWeb Developer
Your Name(Relationship issues)
Our Awards and Recognitions
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Companies We Serve
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As an Employee, Shall We Emphasize Work-Life Balance in This Era? In
The Importance of Relationship Vision in a Marital Relationship In the journey
理解“我们的时间”与“我的时间”:建立健康伴侣关系 丽莎和汤姆是一对已婚夫妇,他们对时间的理解体现了这种平衡。丽莎喜欢在周末和汤姆一起参加户外活动,享受共同的休闲时光。但她也珍惜自己的时间,每周保留几个小时独自练习瑜伽或阅读。汤姆理解并尊重丽莎的个人时间,因为他也喜欢独自锻炼身体或进行自我反思的时间。这种平衡让他们的关系更加稳固,同时也让他们个人感到更加满足和充实。 在建立健康的伴侣关系中,平衡“我们的时间”和“我的时间”是至关重要的。心理学角度认为,这种平衡有助于促进个体的独立性、个人成长以及关系的稳固与幸福。通过分析这两种时间的概念,我们可以更好地理解如何在伴侣关系中实现平衡,并探讨其对心理健康的影响。 “我们的时间”: “我们的时间”指的是伴侣共同度过的时间,包括一起参加活动、交流、旅行、共同兴趣爱好等。这段时间有助于促进情感亲近和团结感,加强伴侣之间的联系。在这段时间里,伴侣们可以分享彼此的想法、感受和经历,增进了解和共享快乐。 “我的时间”: 与此相反,“我的时间”指的是个体单独度过的时间,用于追求个人兴趣、爱好或需求。这段时间为个体提供了独立性和自我成长的机会,有助于满足个体的内在需求和自我实现的愿望。个体在这段时间里可以专注于自己的爱好、兴趣或个人目标,从而提升自我认知和满足感。 心理学角度分析: 心理学认为,平衡“我们的时间”和“我的时间”对伴侣关系和个体心理健康都至关重要。如果伴侣过于依赖“我们的时间”,可能会导致个体丧失独立性,产生焦虑和压力。相反,如果个体过分强调“我的时间”,可能会导致伴侣之间的疏远和冷漠,影响关系的稳固和亲密度。 在伴侣关系中,平衡“我们的时间”和“我的时间”是至关重要的。心理学认为,这种平衡有助于促进个体的独立性、个人成长以及关系的稳固与幸福。通过尊重和理解彼此的时间需求,伴侣们可以建立更加健康、稳固和充实的关系。 编辑:杨老师,心理学硕士,PsyHome创始人
情人节的启发:当我们在谈论爱情时,我们真的知道怎样爱吗? 在人类的情感世界里,爱是一种强大而美好的力量。然而,我们必须意识到,爱并不是一场单方面的宣言,而是需要经过时间、努力和智慧来维系的。正如那句耳熟能详的格言所说:“没有一段感情说了‘我爱你’后,就能天长地久。所有幸福的关系都是‘经营’出来的。” 作为心理导师,我对这句话有着深刻的认同和理解。从心理学的角度来看,人际关系中的幸福和稳固并不是凭空而来的,而是建立在双方的努力、理解和共享之上的。以下是我对这句话的一些观点和解释: 爱的表达与关系的建立: “我爱你”是一种美好的情感表达,但它只是爱情关系中的一小部分。更重要的是,双方需要通过行动来证明他们的爱意,通过相互理解和支持来建立起彼此之间的信任和依恋。 时间与沟通: 一段幸福的关系需要时间的积累和沟通的深入。双方需要花时间了解对方的需求、期望和价值观,并通过坦诚的沟通来解决可能出现的分歧和冲突。 共同成长与承诺: 幸福的关系是建立在共同成长和承诺的基础之上的。双方需要一起努力实现个人目标,并为关系的未来共同打造愿景和规划。 经营与调适: 经营一段关系需要双方不断地调整和适应。人们随着时间的推移会发生变化,关系也需要随之调整和发展,以适应双方的成长和变化。 综上所述,爱的经营是一项需要双方共同努力的任务,需要时间、理解和沟通。没有什么是一句“我爱你”就能解决的,幸福的关系是需要双方不断努力和经营的。作为心理导师,我鼓励每一对情侣和伴侣都能够用心经营自己的爱情,包括学习亲密关系心理学,参与【建立亲密关系6部曲】课程,用爱和智慧经营我们的感情,创造出幸福和美满的人生。 编辑:杨老师,心理学硕士,PsyHome创始人
爱情最可怕的不是冲突,而是不再会有冲突 作为心理学家,我常常被人们对于爱情中的冲突所困扰的问题所吸引。有一句话说得很好:“爱情最可怕的不是冲突,而是不再会有冲突。”这句话深刻地触及了人类情感世界中的一个真理,也反映了我们对于亲密关系的一种深刻认知。 首先,让我们来探讨一下为什么有人会认为爱情中的冲突是可怕的。在爱情中,我们往往希望一切都是完美的,我们期待着与伴侣之间没有任何分歧和矛盾,我们认为这样才是真正的幸福。然而,现实往往是残酷的,我们与伴侣之间总会有一些分歧和矛盾,这些冲突可能会给我们带来痛苦和不安。 然而,正如这句话所指出的那样,爱情最可怕的并不是冲突的存在,而是当冲突不再存在时。为什么会这样呢?因为冲突的存在意味着我们还在关心对方,还在乎我们的关系。冲突是我们关系中的一种成长和发展的方式,它使我们更加了解彼此,更加理解彼此,更加珍惜彼此。当冲突不再存在时,这意味着我们的关系可能已经陷入了僵局,我们可能已经失去了与伴侣之间的联系和沟通,这才是爱情中真正可怕的地方。 那么,我们该如何面对爱情中的冲突呢?首先,我们需要接受冲突的存在,不要害怕冲突,也不要回避冲突。其次,我们需要学会以成熟和理性的态度来处理冲突,而不是情绪化和冲动。最后,我们需要从冲突中学习,吸取教训,使我们的关系更加稳固和美好。 在爱情中,冲突是不可避免的,但它并不可怕。相反,冲突是我们关系中的一种成长和发展的方式,它使我们更加了解彼此,更加理解彼此,更加珍惜彼此。让我们以成熟和理性的态度来面对爱情中的冲突,包括积极参与心理学课程 -【建立亲密关系6部曲】从中学习,让我们的关系更加幸福和美好。 编辑:杨老师,心理学硕士,PsyHome创始人
离婚真正的原因不是因为性格不合,而是找不到一起往下走的理由 小明和小红是一对已婚夫妇,他们结婚已有十年之久。在婚后的几年里,他们过着平淡而稳定的生活,但随着时间的推移,他们渐渐感到了彼此之间的距离和冷漠。小明是一名企业职员,他追求事业上的成功和财富,希望通过加班和奋斗来提升自己的社会地位。而小红是一名家庭主妇,她更注重家庭的温馨和和谐,希望与小明一起建立一个幸福美满的家庭。 然而,随着他们各自追求自己的目标,他们的生活逐渐产生了分歧。小明为了事业奋斗,经常加班加点,导致与小红相处的时间越来越少,而小红则感到孤独和无助,她希望与小明一起共度时光,建立起夫妻之间的情感联系。在这种情况下,他们的婚姻逐渐出现了裂痕,彼此之间的情感也渐渐疏远。 然而,在一次夫妻关系的咨询中,他们意识到了共同目标的重要性。他们开始反思自己的婚姻生活,重新审视彼此的价值观和目标。通过沟通和理解,他们发现了共同的愿景:建立一个充满爱和尊重的家庭,共同努力打造一个温馨和谐的生活环境。于是,小明和小红开始共同努力,共同追求这个共同的目标。小明在工作之余,更加重视家庭生活,增加了与小红的交流和沟通,而小红也积极支持小明的事业发展,与他共同打造家庭的美好。 在当今社会,离婚率不断上升,许多人对于婚姻关系的稳定性感到担忧。有人认为离婚的原因是因为性格不合,但事实上,离婚的真正原因往往更复杂,更深层次。作为在心理咨询的这10年,我深入研究了这个问题,并认为离婚背后的真相是找不到一起走下去的共同愿景。 根据统计数据显示,尽管一些离婚案例确实因为性格不合而导致婚姻破裂,但更多的离婚原因与情感上的断裂、沟通不畅、生活方式不同、价值观差异等因素有关。研究表明,有约60%的离婚案例是由于情感上的不满足而导致的,而不是简单地因为性格不合。这表明,离婚背后的真正原因是双方在婚姻中找不到一起前进的共同愿景和目标。 在婚姻关系中,共同愿景是至关重要的。它是双方共同努力、共同奋斗的目标和理想,是婚姻生活的指南针和动力源泉。研究发现,拥有共同愿景的夫妻更容易克服困难,更能够保持婚姻关系的稳定和持久。而缺乏共同愿景的夫妻则往往在婚姻中感到迷失和无助,最终选择了离婚。 因此,我强调共同愿景在婚姻关系中的重要性。双方需要在婚姻中建立起共同的目标和理想,共同努力实现这些目标。同时,双方需要保持良好的沟通,及时解决问题,避免情感上的断裂和不满。只有这样,才能使婚姻关系更加稳定、幸福和美满。 综上所述,离婚的真正原因不是因为性格不合,而是因为找不到一起走下去的理由。共同愿景是维系婚姻关系稳定和幸福的关键,双方需要共同努力,建立起共同的目标和理想,共同追求幸福和美满的生活。 不知道怎样设立共同愿景?参与【建立亲密关系6部曲】课程,用爱和智慧经营我们的感情,创造出幸福和美满的人生。 编辑:杨老师,心理学硕士,PsyHome创始人
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