


EAP Services

Employee Assistance Program in Malaysia

EAP in Malaysia supports individuals facing challenges in work, home, or family life. Our EAP services are free and confidential for you, your spouse, and eligible dependents. We offer practical assistance to address personal or work-related issues impacting job performance or well-being. 

Explore the services designed to navigate life changes and workplace challenges with our Employee Assistance Program in Malaysia. Learn more about ‘What Is An Employee Assistance Program (EAP)’ in our article here.

Events and issues which may give rise to requests for EAP services include (but are not limited to):

// Service Package

What Our EAP Services Included

Work Issues

1. Problems with performance.
2. Relationships between co-workers.
3. Bullying and harassment.
4. Managing conflict and anger management.
5. Adjusting to change in the workplace.
6. Career change.
7. Managing work related stress.

Personal Issues

1. Anxiety or depression.
2. Stress management.Grief and loss.
3. Midlife and life transition issues.
4. Emotional or physical abuse.
5. Low self-esteem.
6. Substance abuse.
7. Gambling problems.
8. Anger management.

Family Issues

1. Work-life balance.
2. Concerns about children.

Backup & Recovery

1. Parenting and step-parenting issues.
2. Separation and divorce.
3. Financial or legal problems.
4. Domestic violence.


Key Benefits Of

Resolving Employee Conflict To Employers

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable. It can occur between coworkers, managers, employees, or even between different departments or teams. Employers prioritising resolving conflicts can reap many benefits for their organisation.


Key Benefits Of EAPs
For Employers

Boost Employee Productivity

Employee productivity is improved. Employees struggling with personal problems have difficulty focusing at work.

They may even struggle enough that they call in sick frequently.

As a result, the company is affected by potential losses.

The Society for Human Resource Management reports that companies lose 36 percent of their productivity as a result of employee absences.

Introducing an EAP can help solve this problem.

Studies have shown that implementing an EAP can lower time lost at work by 33 percent and decrease or work-related accidents by 65 percent.

Improve Employee Retention

A positive work environment benefits all employees. Many employees stay on the job due to friendships with co-workers. It’s reported that 51 percent of employees stay at a job due to positive relationships with co-workers. The work environment can be improved when people can get access to the resources required to handle challenges in their personal lives. EAPs help employees stay present and happy at work. When issues come up, they are resolved faster.

Offering EAPs to employees demonstrates the employer and human resources are genuinely concerned about the employee’s happiness, but it also helps increase workplace productivity. Employees know that if they have a difficult time in their lives, there are resources that can help them navigate those situations.

Enhance Employee Well-Being

EAPs play a pivotal role in enhancing employee well-being by offering a comprehensive range of support services. Confidential counselling sessions provide a safe space for employees to address personal and work-related concerns, fostering a sense of trust and openness.

These programs are mainly instrumental in promoting mental health and equipping employees with coping strategies for stress, anxiety, and other challenges.

By prioritizing mental well-being, EAPs contribute to a healthier work environment, reducing the impact of stress on job performance and cultivating a positive workplace culture.

// Service Package

Key Features Of Our EAP
Support Services

Guaranteed response times and action plans. Coverage 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Professional support for employees involved in a severe incident.

Individual and/or group support as required.

Liaison and support for management, both immediately in response to the incident and following the initial intervention.

Proactive care assisting employees in returning to the workplace.

A formal critical incident is reported to management.

Is your Training Program HRDC claimable?

Yes, it is HRDC fully claimble. From trainer fees, venue fees & transportation fees, all claimable under HRDC.

About EAP

How it works

  • How EAPs work

    EAPs are paid 100 percent by the employer and are administered through a third-party company. Employees can feel confident that because it’s administered outside of the company, the personal details shared are confidential. The employee can speak freely about whatever challenge they’re facing and know that the employer won’t have those details. The employee can’t take an EAP with them when leaving the job, unlike traditional health benefits.

  • Cost of EAPs

    The cost of EAPs is reasonable. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that productivity losses resulting from absenteeism cost employers approximately $225 billion annually in the United States, which breaks down to $1,685 per employee. The cost of EAPs varies by program, but typically ranges from $10 per employee to $100 per employee, which is a significant savings compared with the potential absenteeism. Once the program is in place, it’s important that employers continue to communicate the benefits to employees so that it’s top of mind when a problem in their lives occurs.

    EAPs help the company save money. Businesses are spending an increasing amount of money on healthcare costs each year. Mental health challenges alone cost employers an estimated $20 billion annually and account for 75 percent of short-term disabilities. The ROI on EAPs is significant, with a return that is 8 times every $1 invested. Businesses that invest in an EAP can reduce overall health costs, lower medical insurance usage and have fewer absences.

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