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// Individual Services

One-on-one Consultation

with our Consulatant

Psyhome Proffesional Consultant have serve more than 1000clientes, with positive review.

// What we can help

Solve Your Problems

by Consulation

Career Development

1. Future confusion
2. Subordinate relationship
3. Workplace communication
4. Potential development
5. Career choice
6. Workplace anxiety
7. Life plan

Body-Mind Health

1. Dreaming nightmare
2. Loss and sorrow
3. Childhood trauma
4. Addiction
5. Poor self-control
6. Midlife crisis
7. Obsessive-compulsive behavior

Couple & Maritial Relationship Development

1. Conflicts in Intimate Relationship
2.​ Marriage Crisis
3. Loss of Loved One
4. Insecurity
5. Pre- & Post Divorce / Breakup

Individuals Consultation

1. Difficult adapting to change
2. Stress management
3. Depression/anxiety
4. Grief
5. Emotional intelligence skills
6. Confused About Sexual Orientation

Parenting Education

1. Academic difficulties
2. Parent-child conflict
3. Hyperactive
4. Children's emotional problems
5. Adolescent self-confusion

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