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// For Individual


with VoiceCare Mind Report

Psychotherapy is a therapeutic method where a client and a qualified therapist work together to enhance a person’s mental health and overall wellbeing. Psychotherapy aims to reduce distress, foster personal development, and improve overall functioning by by addressing emotional problems, behavioural habits, and interpersonal interactions.

This therapy process entails a variety of approaches and procedures that are customised to the client’s unique requirements and objectives. These may include talk therapy, CBT interventions, psychodynamic exploration, or other research-proven strategies. In order to promote understanding, resiliency, and constructive change, psychotherapy is most effective when it offers a secure and encouraging setting for patients to examine their ideas, emotions, and behaviours.

// About Service

About psychotherapy

This therapy process entails a variety of approaches and procedures that are customised to the client’s unique requirements and objectives. These may include talk therapy, CBT interventions, psychodynamic exploration, or other research-proven strategies. In order to promote understanding, resiliency, and constructive change, psychotherapy is most effective when it offers a secure and encouraging setting for patients to examine their ideas, emotions, and behaviours.

// About us

What client are encouraged to do during psychotherapy session

If you are worried whether you need to prepare anything for your session, don’t be! You just need to go to the session based on the time and location stated in the appointment. The only things that you are encourage to do so are:

Be Open

During your first meet up with your psychologist or counselor, sharing your issues might feel a bit heavy for you, right? Please don’t. Our psychologists and counsellors always open to listen to your story. By being honest with them, it can help you and your psychologists or counsellors to work together in reaching the goals.

Don’t forget to do your ‘homework’

Sometimes your psychologist or counsellors may give you a task that you need to do before attending the next session.

Attend your session

Life can get busy for everyone. However, try to pay attention to your schedule appointment as best as you can. This is important, so you will stay on the right track towards your therapy goals.

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// Service Package

What Psychotherapy Session

Issues Covered

Career Development Consultation

PsyHome is providing psychotherapy service for the issues that you might encounter in your career such as:
1. Future confusion
2. Subordinate relationship
3. Workplace communication
4. Potential development
5. Career choice
6. Workplace anxiety
7. Life plan

Body-mind health

Some of the issues covered by our psychologists related to mind-body health are:
1. Dreaming nightmare
2. Loss and sorrow
3. childhood trauma
4. addiction
5. poor self-control
6. midlife crisis
7. obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Couple and marital relationship

Followings are the list of issues covered by our mental health professional related to couple and marital relationship:
1. Conflict in intimate relationship
2. Marriage crisis
3. Loss of loved one
4. Insecurity
5. pre & post divorce/breakup

Individual consultation

1. Difficult to adapt to change
2. Stress management
3. Depression/anxiety
4. Grief
5. Emotional intelligence skills
6. Confused about sexual orientation

Parenting education

There are several issues that our psychologists and counsellors can cater related to parenting education:
1. Academic difficulties
2. Parent-child conflicts
3. Hyperactive
4. Children’s emotional problems
5. Adolescent self-confusion

Take the First Step

Discover the transformative potential of psychotherapy at PsyHome. Whether you are seeking support during challenging times or aiming for personal growth, our therapists are here to guide you on your journey to emotional well-being and resilience. Your path to healing starts here.

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