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// About Training

What Is Conflict Resolution Training

Employee conflict resolution is the process of addressing and resolving conflicts that arise between employees in the workplace. It involves a structured and collaborative approach that helps employees express their concerns, identify the underlying issues, and work together to find a mutually acceptable solution. Effective conflict resolution can improve communication, promote teamwork, and create a positive and productive work environment.

// About Service

What We offer

PsyHome offers conflict resolution training, mediation, and counselling services to help employees resolve conflicts effectively. PsyHome provides team-building exercises and workshops to improve communication and collaboration among employees.

// Service Package

What Conflict Resolution Training


Workplace Relationships Issues

1. Different work styles or approaches causing tension
2. Perceived favoritism or unfair treatment by a manager or supervisor
3. Miscommunication or misunderstandings between team members
4. Jealousy or competition between co workers
5. Lack of trust or respect between team members
6. Cultural differences leading to misunderstandings or conflict

Interpersonal Issues

1. Personality clashes
2. Differences in values or beliefs
3. Mistrust or lack of trust
4. Communication barriers
5. Power struggles
6. Perceived favoritism or unfair treatment

Conflict Resolution Issues

1. Lack of effective communication
2. Misunderstandings or misinterpretations
3. Differences in opinions or perspectives
4. Incompatible goals or objectives
5. Resource allocation or distribution
6. Unresolved past conflicts


Key Benefits Of

Resolving Employee Conflict To Employers

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable. It can occur between coworkers, managers, employees, or even between different departments or teams. Employers prioritising resolving conflicts can reap many benefits for their organisation.

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// The Main Purpose

the key value of Conflict Resolution Training

for Employee

Improved Productivity

Employees in conflict may spend valuable work time focusing on the conflict rather than their tasks. By resolving the conflict, employees can refocus their energy and attention on their work, resulting in increased productivity.

Improved Morale

Employees who feel that their conflicts are being taken seriously and resolved fairly are more likely to feel valued and respected in the workplace. This can lead to heightened job satisfaction and a more positive work environment.

Improved Teamwork

Conflicts left unresolved can create a toxic work environment that can hinder teamwork and collaboration. However, addressing and resolving conflicts can improve communication and create a more cohesive team that works together towards common goals.


Is your Training Program HRDC claimable?

Yes, it is HRDC fully claimble. From trainer fees, venue fees & transportation fees, all claimable under HRDC.


How It Works

PsyHome’s Employee Conflict Resolution Training program starts with assessing the company’s needs and reviewing any existing conflict resolution policies or procedures. Based on this information, a customised training program is designed to meet the company’s needs.

PsyHome’s trainers then deliver the training program to employees through workshops, role-playing scenarios, and individual coaching sessions. The program also emphasises the importance of empathy and respect in dealing with colleagues and provides employees with tools to manage their emotions during conflicts.

Overall, PsyHome’s Employee Conflict Resolution Training program aims to promote a positive work culture and improve employee morale and productivity. Companies can create a more harmonious work environment by supplying employees with the skills to manage conflicts effectively.

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